P: 03 5859 0551
Believe, Achieve and Grow


Our school’s Physical Education program takes advantage of our expansive grounds to provide our students with exposure to the entire Physical Education curriculum. Our F-2 students are taught the fundamental motor skills in play based games and activities, whereas our 3-6 students get to apply their skills in more competitive sports. Athletics training is a key part to the curriculum, and our senior students learn Lawn Bowls under the coaching and guidance of local members from the Tongala Bowls Club. The local football and cricket clubs are used to run specific lessons for the students and our Koorie Support Officer is involved in our Koorie Games and Dance program.


Our Visual Arts program allows students to experiment with different textures and mediums to create Art work that links to particular themes, such as Seasons, Koorie Culture, Picture Story Books, Camps and many more. Students work is displayed around the school and entered into local art competitions.


Tongala Primary School has a very big focus on Sustainability in our local and wider environment. Students in Environmental Studies learn to be waste wise, make good decisions about reducing rubbish and keep our local environment eco-friendly. The school's Environmental Garden is used regularly as part of this subject and all classes are assigned their own aspect to develop further.


All students are taught the Indonesian language and cultures, as part of the Department’s requirements. Our school uses the Language Online program to deliver these lessons, which supports students understanding to build their knowledge at the own pace.

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